copyright Lew Hartman, 1996. All rights reserved.
- On his wedding day, Laird, High King of the Outlands, nervously awaits a first glimpse
of his bride. Laird has good reason to be anxious. His betrothed is no blushing young
maiden. She is an accomplished general, eight years older than the teenaged Laird, and a
Queen in her own right. This arranged marriage ends a centuries-old war and gives Laird
access to an ancient and powerful arsenal. The wedding benefits everyone . . . except the
When his queen arrives, its love at first sight for Laird, but this
warrior queen has her own agenda. Before the nuptials, she seizes an opportunity to
nullify the marriage contract at the point of a sword. In what should have been an
exhibition match, Laird suddenly finds himself fighting for his life. And the fate of a
world hangs on whether this young king is able and willing to slay the woman that he
Productions and Awards
- A winner of the third annual Open Book/Fireside Theatre national playwriting
- runner-up in the Southport International Playwriting Festival in Southport, England
- Players of Sarasota presented a staged reading of the play July 19 and Aug 24, 1999
as part of their "Word of Mouth" series.
- A staged reading of the play was presented at VidCon, a science fiction and media
convention, in Tampa Florida in February of 1997.
The Outlanders:
LAIRD: An attractive youth of nineteen. Though still growing into his physical
height, he'd reached his emotional maturity years ago. High King of the Outlands. He
sports a well-trimmed beard, hoping that the growth will hide his youth.
BRANNOCK: An aging King of a minor province. Lairds lifelong mentor and
ONA: A teller of tales, the lens through which the audience views the story.
Sister of Laird. Though twelve years older than Laird, she is telling the story from a
distant time, so can be much older.
The people of the Proprietorship:
FREYLA: A strikingly beautiful woman of twenty-six. Queen of the Lightlands, she
is regal and confident. Her spirit shines through even on this day that threatens to
destroy her dreams and ambitions.
VIRENE: Freylas younger sister. Taller than both Freyla and Laird. Though
a devout follower of the MotherGod, the real subject of her worship is her sister and
KAEHEN: Freylas older brother and protector. A gentle giant of a man in
his mid-thirties.
A single set serves for the action of this play. An upstage platform overlooks the
playing area. Two throne-like chairs sit atop the platform. Steps lead down from the
platform. Trunks and boxes lay cluttered up right. The set is decorated with silk banners
and flags, giving a medieval flair that is at odd incongruity with the acrylic lectern
down left. On the lectern sits an open, leatherbound volume.
NOTE: This play chronicles the union of two disparate peoples. In costuming and manner,
they should be markedly different; this could extend to casting the people of the Outland
and the Proprietorship as two different ethnic groups. The Proprietorship is the older
culture: a matriarchy, technologically advanced, inhabiting the warmer climes. For
generations the Proprietorship has defended "civilization" against the advances
of the Outland "barbarians."
[Play excerpt]
For information about production rights, please contact the playwright.
Producers and artistic directors of established theaters wishing a perusal copy should
contact Jo Davidsmeyer. To order a complete script to be
delivered by mail CLICK HERE.
All rights whatsoever in this play are strictly reserved. Professional and amateur
applications to perform it, etc., must be made in advance, before rehearsals begin.
"The Queen of Light" copyright Jo Davidsmeyer, 1995.
All rights reserved.
Artwork "Queen of Light" copyright Lew Hartman, 1996.
All rights reserved.