Combat Fan Page Discussion Forum: About the Actors: Pierre Jalbert: Pierre 's wedding ring
By mary cox on Unrecorded Date:

I was wondering with all the times caje was shown with and without his wedding, was this some kind of contest between caje and the directors of the show? I get the impression that he would deliberately wear the ring to see if the directors would spot it before filming. Is this a possibility?

By Lyne Tremblay (Lyne) on Unrecorded Date:

Bonjour from PFC. I always had this impression every time I saw that gleaming band on Caje's wedding ring finger. Maybe Pierre Jalbert, the man who plays him, was just so dreamily, happily married that, most times it wore the ring onscreen, he had just plum forgotten to remove it before the time came for the cameras to roll. Now, since I'm very much in a long-standing wedded state here, does that mean that I cannot dream (sigh) of being the lucky female who inspires such bliss in this gorgeous man?


By Mary Cox on Unrecorded Date:

Hello PFC

I am also in a long standing wedded state, and it has not stopped me from dreaming. However, it's a challange for me now, everytime I watch a combat episode (which is pretty much every day) I try to catch Caje with the ring.

smooth collie

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