Combat Fan Page Discussion Forum: About the Actors: Vic Morrow: Jennifer Jason Leigh and her dad.
By Diana Brunetti (Mrssaunders) ( on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 02:55 am:

I think Jennifer was the "divorce kid", she got trapped in the middle of it all and, as she put it in an interview, she was "mommy's girl" while Carrie (older sister) was "daddy's girl". If Vic saw her name changing as a betrayal I think he over reacted. It was sad to see her just the other day in that "Inside the Actor's Studio" when James Lipton insisted on "Who influenced you?" and of course she never named Vic. How could she? But it was sad...
Anyway, does anyone have any other info on their relationship? She has said she loved him and admired him, but she won't go any further.

By Morrow Juliet (Juliet) ( on Sunday, February 23, 2003 - 02:43 am:

I also believe that Vic was wrong for being angry with Jennifer Jason Leigh, when she changed her name. I think they could have a wonderful father and daughter relationship. I think Jennifer Jason Leigh sounds very nice and sweet.


By Morrow Juliet (Juliet) ( on Sunday, February 23, 2003 - 02:46 am:

I never heard Jennifer say anything about her father on “Inside the Actor’s Studio”, but I missed a lot of that program.


By Diana Brunetti (Mrssaunders) ( on Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 02:55 am:

I watched the whole show hoping James would get her to talk about Vic, but it was HER show anyway. At the very beginning, when asked about her having an arts-related family, she mentioned her mother, her father and her stepfather, and the James asked their names. So she said Barbara Turner, Vic Morrow (a pic was on the screen at tnat point, and you could hear she said his name with a smile), and then her stepdad's name which I don't remember now... Later on, I think James tried again when he asked her who had been an inspiration for her, and when she mentioned her mother and several paintings, he tried asking about actors and actresses, and of course, Vic's name wasn't neither on the family side nor the actors'. I like the girl, though. And she looks so much like him it's scary!

for information about Vic Morrow, Rick Jason and all the Combat cast!
