Combat Fan Page Discussion Forum: Episodes: Eyes of the Hunter: The Eyes Of The Hunter: A Different Kind Of Episode
By Rose Ann Schrock (Carbine) on Unrecorded Date:

I always found this episode very interesting because it does not seem to follow the usual Combat format. On most of the episodes, a new man joins the sqad, and every body hates his guts. But at the end, the new guy redeems himself by doing something great and all is well. Not so in this episode. The character remains unchanged and unrepentant to the last. He even ignores a Saunders PPT!

By Nancy LionStorm (349hvywpnscrew) on Unrecorded Date:

Whose eyes are referred to in this episode's title? Saunders, because he was told to "Watch him, just watch him" (by the other squad's wounded sergeant), or Jesse Burges, the character who lead Saunders' squad to the German OP?

By Rose Ann Schrock (Carbine) on Unrecorded Date:

To tell you the truth, Nancy, I never really thought much about that. I assumed that since
Jessee Burges was the one who wanted to kill Germans ruthlessly that he was the hunter. But, I suppose that it could also have meant Saunders. We all know what a serious hunter the Sarge is!
I guess we'll never know for sure. A lot of Combat episode names have kept me guessing, like A Silent Cry and High Named Today. I wonder if the one who named these shows did this on purpose to make us think.

Rose Ann

By Nancy LionStorm (349hvywpnscrew) on Unrecorded Date:

Rose Ann, I always believed the title "A High Named Today" referred to the adrenal rush some people get when they experience immediate danger with almost no regard for their safety, as with those who practice extreme sports like mountain climbing without ropes and pitons. You know, the folks who use only their bare hands and practically bare feet when they climb vertical rock face? In “AHNT” Rob Lawson (played by Dean Stockwell) ‘knows’ he will die and has so completely embraced that ‘fact’ that he only lives for the moment and the adrenal high that rushing into danger offers.

The episode title “A Silent Cry" is esoteric untill you take a good look at Tech Sgt. Perkins (played by Richard Anderson). Perkins is a lonely person who has for a long time focused his attention and efforts on things (radios, literature) and high-minded philosophy (pacifism) as opposed to the companionship and feelings of other people. You get the impression that long ago he gave up trying to interact with people and the hope he’d ever find a like mind. But Perkins can’t admit just how lonely he actually feels, either to himself or to others. To do so would invalidate the life of isolation he has chosen for himself. Yet his loneliness and need for understanding and friendship leaps forth from him like “A Silent Cry”. His 'cry' is finally answered when he meets the French youth, who is also fascinated with radios, literature and philosophy. It is sad that Perkins should have had to travel so far and under such unfavorable circumstances before meeting someone with whom he could empathize and mentor. It is the possibility of ending the self-imposed prison of his mind that causes Perkins to endanger the mission in order to protect this youth.

So long from your friendly 349th Heavy Weapons Crew

By Rose Ann Schrock (Carbine) on Unrecorded Date:

Gosh Nancy, you have such insight! I never even thought of those things! Thank you so much for that reply. I guess that it's good to have fans who can see things that are so mysterious to others. From fellow fan to fellow fan... Thanks!

Rose Ann

By Nancy LionStorm (349hvywpnscrew) on Unrecorded Date:

Hi Rose Ann! Now that I've given it some more time to kick around in my head I'm convinced your right about "Eyes of the Hunter". This is how I see it.

First, carnivores (hunters) are capable of great single-minded concentration when stalking prey. Second, mammalian carnivores have diminished peripheral vision due to their eyes' frontal, head location. Does this not pertain to Jesse Burgess as well?

Jesse sees nothing but what is right in front of him - the mission objective. His actions are relentless, just like a stalking tiger, designed to obtain the objective the quickest way possible - even at the cost of the rest of his squad. Like a tiger or a leopard Jesse seeks and destroys his prey (Germans) with complete disregard to what is around him (the desire of other squad members to survive). In fact, Jesse is much worse than a tiger or a leopard because both species would be concerned for the safety of their young. I don't think Jesse would care if a child or two got killed so long as Jesse obtained his goal.

By Rose Ann Schrock (Carbine) on Unrecorded Date:

I quite agree with you, Nancy. Jesse is the perfect idea of a heartless hunter. He can see nothing but his prey. I seriously doubt it if Jesse would even be much affected if the whole squad got it, as long as he killed his precious quota of krouts. The first time that I viewed this episode I was surprised, angry, and pleased all at the same time. Angry with Jesse and his hard heart but pleased that the Combat producers chose to give us a realistic ending. I mean, a Saunders PPT may be powerful, but not so much that it could change Every man into a selfless hero by the end of the show!

By beverly capolino ( on Saturday, March 20, 2004 - 12:14 am:

theres a great saunders scene in this episode, when the sgt. walks over to one of the characters and finds hes been drinking, what a great actor vic morrow was, you could see the steam rising off of saunders, a flash of controlled rage. i just recently bought all 152 episodes on dvd and i'm so impressed how well the show holds up, even after 40 years.

By Al Caron (Sgthorvath) ( on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 06:12 pm:

The DVD's you bought; are these the (unofficial/pirate) ones that have been appearing from the far east? (Japan, Asia). The studio released (official) versions are coming out starting in July 2004. The first season will be split into 2 sets, as there were over 30 episode that season.

By beverly capolino ( on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 11:39 am:

i bought my dvds off a seller on yahoo auctions. they are uncut and the picture quality is excellent. i really don't remember where he got them from and i don't care! i'm so happy to have them! i know about the ones coming out this year, and i'll buy them to, because they will most likely have extra features.

for information about Vic Morrow, Rick Jason and all the Combat cast!
