Combat Fan Page Discussion Forum: Episodes: Any Second Now: Taut suspense for a WWII Vet
By Nancy LionStorm (349hvywpnscrew) on Unrecorded Date:

Watching this episode for the first time back in the 1960's was a completely different experience than watching it for the first time in today's age of VCRs, syndicated reruns, and 'Indiana Jones'-paced movie adventures. Last night my WWII veteran father gave me a ring and although he lives in Texas and I in California, we watched "Any Second Now" together for the first time. As the drama unfolded Dad commented that when he first saw it in 1962 he was completely engrossed by what was (back then) unusually good and taut television directing and by what he believes was an accurate depiction of a live time bomb being diffused.

I believe I once read that actor Alex Davion who played David Woodman, the British bomb disposal expert, spent a great deal of time memorizing and practicing the steps needed to 'diffuse' the bomb in order to lend authenticity to his scenes. As I watched "Any Second Now" with my father, I was able to 'see' it through his eyes and appreciate it in light of his wartime experiences.

By josephine Naylor on Unrecorded Date:

What a nerve-wrecking job to be a bomb disposal officer or expert. But, they're not the only guys who die in a war. Lt Hanley's part was so well acted in the episode. I don't think David Woodman would've succeeded without that obnoxious American.

By Richie ( on Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 11:34 am:

I know Alex Davion well and he is still alive and kicking in Halesworth Suffolk! He is a lovely man and good friend.Often have a beer or two with him and I am sure he would like to be remembered to his friends.

for information about Vic Morrow, Rick Jason and all the Combat cast!
