WWII Weapons Used in Combat!
WWII German Rifles
Mauser 98K
One of several German rifles used in World War II is the Mauser 98 K. It has an internal
box magazine that holds five rounds of 8 mm Mauser ammo. Caliber 7.92 mm with a range of
437 yards. This is the most frequent rifle used by the Germans on the television show Combat!
Find Mauser parts and supplies at eBay
Kar 43 (Gew 43)
Another German rifle, the Kar 43 (Gew 43) semi-automatic, also appears
often in Combat! GIs called this weapon "Hitler's Garand."
In some episodes of Combat!, German extras also carried American M1 carbines.
Mauser Schnellfeuer-Pistole
These odd-looking pistols (see picture below) were based on the Mauser
C96. These were more "flashy" than effective. Wasteful of ammunition and
difficult to aim. The weapon has a protruding 20-round magazine and detachable wooden
stock/holster. Could fire 900 rounds per minute (15 rounds per second). But because of
extreme lightweight was nearly impossible to aim with any accuracy.