With Caje and Saunders held hostage by Germans in an American-occupied town, our
intrepid medic must use his wits to deceive both Americans and Germans in an effort to
save the lives of his friends. Helping himself to an ambulance, he provides the Germans an
exit from town, only to discover that he wants to use the Americans to trip a mine field.

Conlan Carter shines as the focus of this story. If
anyone still questions how this second medic differs from Steven Rogers' Doc, this episode
provides the definitive answers. No sensitive, introspective, reluctant warrior here.
Conlan Carter's Doc takes charge from the get-go. When Saunders orders Doc to abandon
both him and Caje to their fate, Doc ignores the order and finds his own solution. With
cool eyes, he stands up to a German officer who has a machine gun trained right on him.
With a pleasant grin, this Arkansas boy looks his fellow soldiers right in the eye and
lies through his teeth -- with unquestionable sincerity. When scheming, wits, charm, and
lies fail to free the hostages, the medic must become the soldier. He well deserved his
nomination for this episode.
Guest star Mark Richman is appropriately oily as the German aristocrat who treats the
Americans as beasts. Hans Gudegast puts in a fine supporting role as Ecktmann, who keeps
Saunders and Caje at bay, and dies for his efforts.
The show features a large supporting cast, giving some great moments in small scenes.
Ken Berrys motor pool sergeant is charming and Tom Peters plays an exceptional mooch
as the comm man.
Notes, Oddities, and Bloopers
About Filming the Episode
Conlan Carter was surprised by the Emmy nomination: "I woke up one morning with
the telegram and I called my agent and he said What? Read me the telegram.
Cause he thought a friend of mine might be playing a joke on me ... I didnt win, of
course, but it was a nice thing and I still have the little plaque."

Cast Credits
Vic Morrow
as Sgt. Saunders
Rick Jason
as Lt. Hanley
(does not appear)
Carter as Doc
Pierre Jalbert as Caje
Guest Star
Mark Richman as Capt. Aptmeyer
(also known as Peter Mark Richman)
Dick Patterson as Barnarbo
Hans Gudegast as Ecktmann
(later known as Eric Braeden)
Ken Berry as Moto Sgt.
Tom Peters as Commo Man
Lew Gallo as Mororcycle MP
Joseph Perry as 1st Sgt.